Title: Roth, Veronica. Insurgent. New York: Katherine Tegen Books, 2012. Print.
Summary: With war between the factions now on the horizon Tris must make some very big decisions that could make or break not only herself but those that she loves. As dishonesty and betrayal show themselves at every turn Tris has to figure out who she can trust and what she can do. As things get worse she's exposed to horrors she never imagined.
Critical Analysis: I'll be honest, I had an incredibly hard time finishing this book. It was only through urging from a friend who read it that I kept reading. The story itself isn't bad, in fact it's pretty interesting. The part that bothers me is the romance between Tobias and Tris. The entire relationship is very unnecessary to the story and detracts from it greatly. Tris spends most of the book whining over Tobias and the state of their relationship to the point that it had me rolling my eyes and putting the book aside. A good third of the book drags as she spends time moping about her current situation and her relationship, or lack thereof, with Tobias. If the relationship had been omitted from the book the book would have been spectacular. I would gladly reread Divergent, but I don't see myself ever reading Insurgent again. That said, the rest of the book was good and the ending left me gasping in shock. If only it hadn't been so bogged down with an unnecessary romance I would have enjoyed the book so much more.
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