Title: Riggs, Ransom. Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. Pennsylvania: Quirk Books, 2011. Print.
Overview: Since he was a child Jacob has heard stories of his grandfather's childhood surrounded by very special people including a girl who can levitate and a boy who is invisible. As a kid Jacob thought the tales fantastic and mesmerizing but then, as all children do, he grew up. Suddenly the tales weren't so believable. That is until he has no choice but to believe.
Critical Analysis: This particular book has been on my to-read list for a very long time. I have to admit it's not what I thought it would be, though I really couldn't tell you what I had expected. Halfway through I was on the fence, not really sure if it was the book for me. A couple of chapters later I couldn't read it fast enough to find out what was going to happen. There's just a touch of romance, told very humorously and accurately from Jacob's point of view, and a whole lot of adventure. The story itself is supplemented by vintage photographs that the author has collected, like the one on the cover of a young girl in a tiara floating inches off the ground. The photos add a haunting feel to the book and help the reader get an even more accurate picture of the story. This is a book that I would definitely read again and one that I believe both girls and boys alike would enjoy.
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